Students, New Grads, and Career Seekers, Welcome to #CoffeeWithConvery.
In Celebration of Asian Heritage Month, I will be featuring guests from the community to share their stories and what #AsianHeritageMonth means to them.
Lulu is attending the University of Toronto Scarborough with plans to graduate in 2023 with her Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Coop and International Business.
Through the Management Coop and International Business opportunity, Lulu gained new skills in multi-field academic and practical experience in Toronto, Paris and Shanghai.
Her work experience included being selected as a Delegate for Global Vision a national not for profit organization; a Production Coordinator for Ubisoft a computer gaming company; a founder of Flora Cosmetics & Jewelry E-commerce; and is now currently working as Graduate Marketing and Events Assistant at UTSC.
In her spare time Lula likes to travel and dance!
I had the chance to sit down with Lulu and I am happy to share our conversation with you, enjoy!
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