Dec. 15, 2022

Careering Talk: Branding, Marketing and Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake with Adam Rodricks

Careering Talk: Branding, Marketing and Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake with Adam Rodricks

Students, New Grads, and Career Seekers, Welcome to #CoffeeWithConvery. This podcast is an intimate, upfront and personal coffee chat approach with some of the amazing and inspiring talent I have met over the years. On today’s Careering Talk, my guest is Adam Rodricks.

Adam is a University of Toronto Scarborough graduate with a BBA in Management and Marketing.

Adam Rodricks is an international award-winning social media strategist and speaker who has transformed “word of mouth” into a world of mouth for Fortune 500 companies. His first book, Trigger Fingers: Personal Branding through Storytelling skyrocketed to the top of the charts, becoming a #1 best-seller in Canada in the categories of Direct Marketing, Public Relations and Business.

For the past 7 years, he’s worked as the National Lead of Digital Marketing Services at KPMG in Canada. In his spare time, Adam teaches the LinkedIn fundamentals course at George Brown College and serves as a Program Advisor on Digital Engagement Strategy at Centennial College.

In 2022, the Speakers Bureau of Canada named Adam “Canada’s Top Social Media Strategist”. His work as a social media influencer has been featured on CBC, CTV, Yahoo, BNN, Staples Tech TV, and his own site:

I had the chance to sit down with Adam to discuss Branding, Marketing and Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake and I am happy to share our conversation with you, Enjoy!

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