Welcome to Careering Talk. If you are tuning in for the first time, Careering Talk is an open mic series to empower job and career seekers with knowledge, insights, career pathing and coaching to find that dream job and develop a career with purpose and impact.
Today’s Careering Talk is a special one because January is National Mentoring Month in Canada and I have invited a student panel to join me and share their experiences.
Our topic today is Networking and Mentorship and my guests are:
I had the chance to sit down to talk Careering Talk: Networking and Mentorship with Jeffrey, Lucas, Shelina, Alex and Robertha and I am happy to share our conversation with you, Enjoy!
#CoffeeWithConvery #CareeringTalk #Networking #Mentorship #NationalMentoringMonth #InformalLearning #Listen #Learn #BeInspired