Nov. 24, 2022

Careering Talk: Thanksgiving, Speech Pathology and Determination with Deidre Convery-Bernard

Careering Talk: Thanksgiving, Speech Pathology and Determination with Deidre Convery-Bernard

On today’s Careering Talk, I have invited a very special guest Deidre Convery-Bernard. Deidre is not only my younger sister but she is also an accomplished role model, authentic trailblazer, a loving wife, a loyal friend and a mom to her 3 cats Winston, George, Gracie and her dog, Brooke.

Deidre's career story is an interesting and inspiring one which started out with a high school experience of classes in typing and focus on clerical skills and development. Her High School guidance counselor advised Deidre in her senior year to not pursue college or university and to take her skills and abilities and seek a career in office clerical work. Deidre went on to pursue an education with the Krissler Business Institute in our hometown of Poughkeepsie, New York and started her career working as clerical support for a law firm.

Later in her late 20s, Deidre thought although her career in clerical support was interesting it was not as rewarding as she had originally hoped and she was going to go back to school to pursue a career change. While working, Deidre earned her Associates of Arts in Liberal Arts and Humanities from Dutchess Community College, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Speech and Hearing and a Masters in Communication Disorders from the State University of New York at New Paltz. Deidre's other credentials and certifications include being a Licensed New York State Speech Language Pathologist, a Certificate of Clinical Competence - CCC-SLP and a New York State Permanent Certification – Speech and Hearing Handicapped.

In 2019, Deidre was the recipient of the New York Capital Area Speech Language and Hearing Association Service Award. This award is presented to a Speech-Language Pathologist or Audiologist or individual who has made outstanding contributions to the fields of Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology, to the communicatively impaired, or to professional organizations that serve these groups.

Today, Deidre works for the Johnsburg Central School in North Creek, New York where she designs and provide intervention services for classified students with mild to severe speech/language delays associated with speech/language impairments, learning disabilities, autism, other health impairments, hearing impairments, multiple disabilities, and emotional disabilities. Deidre has aided, helped, touched and changed hundreds of children and families lives over the years through her love and dedication to her work.

I had the chance to sit down with Deidre to talk Thanksgiving, Speech Pathology and Determination and I am happy to share our conversation with you, Enjoy! 

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