Dec. 23, 2021

College, coding and compassion with Omar Abu Samra

College, coding and compassion with Omar Abu Samra

Students and young professionals are facing barriers, uncertainty, biases and changing priorities as they navigate the school to work transition. Their collective stories have inspired me and now I want to share these stories with you.

My guest today is Omar Abu Samra. Omar, is studying Software Development & Network Engineering at Sheridan College. At Sheridan College, Omar manages a community for over 900 students, bringing students interested in software development together for mutual learning and motivation.

In addition to school, Omar spends his time learning new technologies. Omar is proficient in various technologies and programming languages such as Java, Spring Boot, C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS, React and more!

Omar’s long-term goal is to land a software development role where he can apply his passion to deliver valuable applications. He also aspires to continue his passion for coaching and mentoring students in the tech field, making sure they stay motivated no matter the hurdles or obstacles.

In his spare time Omar has multiple hobbies! He loves photography and often goes around the GTA with his camera to take photos of the beautiful landscapes. He also enjoys scouting for owls as he loves their mysteriousness and their looks. When he’s not outside, Omar volunteers as a Tech Lead at a Sheridan club called Hackademics where he develops websites for their hackathons and more!

I had the chance to talk College, coding and compassion with Omar Abu Samra and I am happy to share our conversation with you, Enjoy!

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