March 16, 2021

Delaying gratification, applying knowledge and making global impact with Ryan McCuaig

Delaying gratification, applying knowledge and making global impact with Ryan McCuaig

Students and young professionals are facing barriers, uncertainty, biases, changing priorities and now a pandemic as they navigate the school to work transition. Their collective stories have inspired me and now I want to share these stories with you.

Now, let's meet Ryan! Ryan McCuaig is an extremely driven and result-oriented individual with a diverse range of professional, academic, and leadership experiences. During his undergrad at Western University in the Honours Specialization in Political Science program, he spent two summers with the Royal Bank of Canada in Toronto and New York, where he developed a unique business acumen that launched him into a career in business. After his undergrad, Ryan stayed in London to complete his MSc in Management at the Ivey Business School, combining his love for global affairs with his prior work experience in the financial markets through the MSc’s International Business stream.

Since joining the MSc, he was elected as the MSc Association President during one of the most dynamic periods of change the program has ever experienced, leading the organization through a large scale digital transformation and restructuring project while negotiating a near $3,000 tuition reimbursement for his constituents during their summer term. He also started the Ivey Management & Policy Forum with his Ivey colleagues: a student-run, faculty-advised think tank that applies management science research to Canadian and global policy issues.

After he graduates, Ryan will be joining KeyData, a boutique consulting firm in Toronto, as a Cyber Security Consultant. He balances all of this while working on contract as an Intelligence Officer for the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) and a Project Manager for HMCS PREVOST’s Innovation Strategy Team – an internal strategy group within the naval reserves – and while working pro-bono for Impact Consulting.

Most recently, I had the chance to sit down over a virtual coffee to talk “Delaying gratification, applying knowledge and making global impacts” with Ryan McCuaig and I am happy to share our conversation with you, Enjoy!

#CoffeeWithConvery #RyanMcCuaig #Listen #Learn #BeInspired

March is #National #Coop & #WorkIntegratedLearning Month #innovateWIL