Students and young professionals are facing barriers, uncertainty, biases and changing priorities as they navigate the school to work transition. Their collective stories have inspired me and now I want to share these stories with you.
My guest today is Evans Mosomi. Evans is enrolled at the Ontario Tech University focusing on his Bachelor of Engineering | Software Engineering with an expected graduation date in 2022. Evans is an outgoing individual who is always considered a ball of energy in a dynamic team. He is passionate about software development in terms of logic, critical thinking, problem solving and project management. He always seeks to lend a helping hand to others while being a strong advocate of finding growth outside your comfort zone. Something that might surprise you is his ambivert nature. In his spare time, Evans likes all things music. He loves to sing and play the piano as well as work on musical projects with friends. Fun fact: He was part of a gospel album released this quarantine. If he’s not singing, he is probably having a philosophical discussion.
I had the chance to talk Fears, rejection and perspectives with Evans Mosomi and I am happy to share our conversation with you, Enjoy!
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