Students and young professionals are facing barriers, uncertainty, biases, and changing priorities as they navigate the school to work transition. Their collective stories have inspired me and now I want to share these stories with you.
So let’s meet Vanessa Elefteriadis. Vanessa is a student at The University of Toronto studying for her Bachelor of Applied Science in Industrial Engineering with a minor in Business Engineering. Vanessa is due to graduate in 2024 and her activities at school include: Orientation Leader, Industrial Engineering Club Vice-Chair, Student Mentor, and Class Representative.
I got the pleasure of meeting Vanessa at the University of Toronto UAutomate Challenge which brought together 32 students over 6 weeks to accelerate their careers in robotic process automation. The challenge was a first of a kind for University of Toronto and the challenge included partnerships with Wrk and Blue prism along with a number of guest speakers, learning plans, workshops and mentorship for the students.
In her spare time, Vanessa likes to play tennis and ping pong, read, and try out new recipes.
I had the chance to talk Fresh flowers, robotics and finding balance with Vanessa Elefteriadis and I am happy to share our conversation with you, Enjoy!
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