March 4, 2021

Heart emojis, self-care and meaningful connections with Josh Tillson

Heart emojis, self-care and meaningful connections with Josh Tillson

Students and young professionals are facing barriers, uncertainty, biases, changing priorities and now a pandemic as they navigate the school to work transition. Their collective stories have inspired me and now I want to share these stories with you.

Now, let's meet Josh! Josh Tillson is a driven and motivated third year Business and Computer Science student at the University of British-Columbia. Josh is a lifelong learner who constantly strives to self-develop, grow, and learn from those around him, while giving back to his surrounding communities. This has been displayed through his efforts increasing awareness and accessibility to youth mental wellness programs in Northern Ontario as well as other leadership positions he’s held in the university community. Josh’s favorite hobbies include trail running or hiking around beautiful Vancouver, reading, and solving problems.

Josh and I met through a LinkedIn message and then we setup up our first virtual coffee chat which started with Josh asking if he could be "vulnerable with me."  I will never forget that hot day in August when we first talked and how inspired I was by Josh's strength and determination.  Most recently, I had the chance to sit down over a virtual coffee to talk Heart emojis, self-care and meaningful connections with Josh Tillson and I am happy to share our conversation with you, Enjoy!  

#CoffeeWithConvery #JoshTillson #Listen #Learn #BeInspired

#March is #National #Coop & #WorkIntegratedLearning Month #innovateWIL