April 29, 2021

Opportunity, integrity and learning with Austin Lee

Opportunity, integrity and learning with Austin Lee

Students and young professionals are facing barriers, uncertainty, biases, changing priorities and now a pandemic as they navigate the school to work transition. Their collective stories have inspired me and now I want to share these stories with you.

Now let’s meet Austin! Austin Lee is a 2018 University of Alberta graduate with a Bachelor of Commerce | Finance Degree and currently an Associate, Loan Portfolio Management with RBC Capital Markets. Prior to this role, Austin was part of the inaugural class for the Indigenous Peoples Development Program at RBC. Outside of work he is an avid runner and aspiring home chef.

I had the chance to sit down to talk Opportunity, integrity and learning with Austin Lee and I am happy to share our conversation with you, Enjoy!

#CoffeeWithConvery #AustinLee #Listen #Learn #BeInspired