April 5, 2021

Spumoni, anxiety and chicken wings with Nick Durban

Spumoni, anxiety and chicken wings with Nick Durban

Students and young professionals are facing barriers, uncertainty, biases, changing priorities and now a pandemic as they navigate the school to work transition. Their collective stories have inspired me and now I want to share these stories with you.

Now let’s meet Nick. Nick Durban is currently enrolled as a fifth-year Lang School of Business and Economics student at the University of Guelph majoring in Bachelor of Commerce with a focus on Finance and Economics. Nick enjoys everything the University of Guelph has to offer is an avid sportsman and a comedian enthusiast. Nick has spent a few summers at RBC in Corporate Real Estate, Client Operations and is now coming back in fall to join the RBC Investor and Treasury Services Graduate Rotational Program.

I had the chance to sit down to talk Spumoni, anxiety and chicken wings with Nick Durban and I am happy to share our conversation with you, Enjoy!

#CoffeeWithConvery #NickDurban #Listen #Learn #BeInspired