March 23, 2023

Students, Values and Skills with Joe Henry

Students, Values and Skills with Joe Henry

Students, New Grads, and Career Seekers, Welcome to #CoffeeWithConvery.

On today’s podcast, I have invited Joe Henry to join me.

Joe Henry is the Dean of Students at King’s University College. Founded in 1954, King’s University College at Western University is a Catholic, liberal arts university college affiliated with a large, world-class university. As a Catholic university, King’s emphasizes the value of each individual and the importance of social justice. Students from all faiths and backgrounds are welcome. Offering degree programs in the arts, social sciences, management and social work, King’s is home to approximately 3500 full- and part-time students from across Canada as well as 35 other countries.

As Dean of Students, Joe supports the academic mission through the provision of programs that enhances the quality of student life and learning outside the classroom at King’s University College. He oversees the direction of student support services, facilities and student co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. He is also responsible for the operation of the residence facilities and residential life programming and administers the Student Code of Conduct at King’s. As member of the senior administration at King’s he advises the college on a variety of issues that impact the student experience on campus and also act as an advisor to the King’s University College Student Council.

I had the chance to sit down with Sam and I am happy to share our conversation with you, enjoy!

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