June 27, 2021

Table Talk: PRIDE Chat "Oh yeah, definitely not straight."

Table Talk: PRIDE Chat

On today’s episode we are going to continue the discussion called “Table Talk” where my invited guests will participate in a group discussion on a particular topic of interest.

Our “Table Talk” today is PRIDE Chat focused on Inclusion and Belonging and my guests today are…

Todd Goncalves (he/him) is a 2021 graduate from Ryerson University, Ted Rogers School of Management, working currently in Trade Support and Settlements at RBC. Fun Fact: Todd is on a mission to explore a new beach/town/hike every weekend this summer!

Caroline Veilleux-Foppiano (she/her) is a 2020 graduate from McGill, Major in Economics & Minor in International Development, working as a Business Development Associate at ISN. Fun Fact: Caroline loves gardening and house plants.

Kanika Chopra (she/her) attending the University of Waterloo, 4th Year Statistics, graduating in 2022, currently working as a Data Analyst at Uber. Fun Fact: Kanika picked up embroidery last summer and started selling custom tees.

#CoffeeWithConvery #TableTalk #PRIDEChat  #Listen #Learn #BeInspired