March 24, 2022

Uncertainty, gifting and being an entrepreneur with Vinayak Mahajan

Uncertainty, gifting and being an entrepreneur with Vinayak Mahajan

Students and young professionals are facing barriers, uncertainty, biases and changing priorities as they navigate the school to work transition. Their collective stories have inspired me and now I want to share these stories with you.

My guest today is Vinayak Mahajan. Vinayak is a graduate of Georgian College with a Co-op Diploma, Computer Programmer, achieving Dean’s list in all of his semesters.

Vinayak is a TedX Speaker (more to come on that in the show), #1 Global Bestselling Author, Founder & CEO of GiftAFeeling Inc., and a highly recognized thought leader in the gifting industry around the world. He has been published in Exceptional People Magazine, Business Digest Magazine, has been seen on CNBC, Wall Street Select, USA Today, LA Business Podcast, and has made live TV appearances on Ticker News. He leads a team of psychologists doing research in gifting psychology and has reinvented the word, Giftophobia, in the modern era.

In his spare time Vinayak likes to detach digitally and go into nature camping, hiking, trekking, or just spending time in solitude away from the screens and out of the internet’s reach.

I had the chance to talk Uncertainty, gifting and being an entrepreneur with Vinayak Mahajan and I am happy to share our conversation with you, Enjoy!

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