Students and young professionals are facing barriers, uncertainty, biases and changing priorities as they navigate the school to work transition. Their collective stories have inspired me and now I want to share these stories with you.
My guest today is Dev’Roux Maharaj. Dev’Roux will be graduating from the University of Toronto – Mississauga with a Bachelors of Arts in Economics and Political Science in 2022. Dev’Roux is a Head Research Assistant - Economic History at University of Toronto and this past summer he was an intern with Shareholder Services, a team with RBC Investor & Treasury Services.
Dev’Roux and I met a few years back at a networking event for Start Proud where I learned his fellow students and friends did not come out to the event for fear of being outed and or questioned by their family for attending such an event. This saddened me and upset me that this barrier was there and therefore Dev’Roux and I partnered up and hosted a specific event for the LGBTQ+ Club at University of Toronto Mississauga where they could come and feel safe and welcomed to meet me and my team.
Since then Dev’Roux and I have remained in touch and continued our relationship with the hopes of doing more for the 2SLGBTQ+ community now and in the future. In his spare time, Dev’Roux likes to bake bread, go on tiktok, and watch historical documentaries! He is an avid lover of everything to do with cats and capybaras, and is a huge supporter of animal conservation.
I had the chance to talk Unlearning, growth-mindsets and inclusion with Dev’Roux Maharaj and I am happy to share our conversation with you, Enjoy!
#CoffeeWithConvery #DevRouxMaharaj #Listen #Learn #BeInspired